OBJECTIVE Using existing and manipulated data, how can I use it to affect people’s belief in Sasquatch? I created a booklet zine to display the research.
RESEARCH I research a lot of data on Bigfoot / Sasquatch sitings, as well as the people around the theories and any possible science. I wanted to speak to an audience that was a bit more mature, older gen Xers. The design is meant to be elegant and draw them in, with feelings of an artsy science essay.
CONCEPT My concept was about going the opposite of Sasquatch. What if we experience all this data as if we were really small, exaggerating his largeness. I also wanted to bring in a sense of discovery throughout.
VISUALS Using images of small-scale things like mushrooms and water droplets, I was able to showcase the “data”. Results skew in favor of Sasquatch, showing a biased perspective.
Sasquatch Prevalance
A Post COVID-19 Study
VISUALS Natural textures are used throughout and paired with humanist serifs and personable sans serifs. This results in a still welcoming but more serious tone.